Alison Crosthwait

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If I could say one thing to every client

If I could say one thing to every client it would be this:

What is your intention?

I see so much potential.  Every hour I work is filled with beauty and potential realizing itself.

I don’t mean that I think everyone should be goal oriented.

I mean that you are worth a lot.

And I am curious - what are you learning into?

To the extent you can gather your intention and put it into words you will step forward more quickly into who you are - i.e. your suffering will be less.

Culture strips us of intention.

Which may be a strange thing to say in a world of endless self-improvement memes.

But we give ourselves away to experts, knowledge, science…..  over and over and over again.  And are encouraged to do so - the exploration of how we defer to experts can’t be unseen once it is seen.

The question why are you in therapy is a profound question.  The answer changes session by session moment by moment.

It is an embodied experiential question.

A question that takes you into the next depth.  The next possibility.  The next insight.

The question itself is so confronting it has to be posed softly, often indirectly.

The ways in which we discharge our energy with no benefit to us can be painful to see.

In the language of my training I could say that the coming to terms with intention is a working through of the transference.

Formulating intention is a claim on your worth.  

It’s worth doing.

Whatever that exploration looks like for you.  In your uniqueness.  In your beauty.