Money Doesn't Grow On Trees

fall leaves money doesn't grow on trees

In other words - money isn't something you can just pick up.  It's not easy to get.  Be responsible with it.  Save it.  Don't spend it unless necessary.

While treating any resource as valuable is a good idea, the underlying sentiment of "money doesn't grow on trees" is that money doesn't come to us easily or naturally.  That money is a scarce resource.

This isn't a productive way of relating to money nor is it true.

Money is like love.  You can't make someone love you.  You can only be centred in yourself taking responsibility for how you love another.   And a person who is both grounded and open-hearted will, over time, be deeply loved.  By that point, however, love is a side benefit to self-love.

In the same way you can't make money come to you.  

This may seem just plain wrong - look at people everywhere making money come to them.

What they are actually doing, however, is offering something and receiving in return.  They have had to find the valuable thing to offer or sell.  And any successful person has been involved in ventures that have not been profitable - whether that is individual products, deals or whole businesses.

Money is available when we open ourselves to it, give value to the world and channel money back to us in return.

Money is a natural energy created by humans (natural beings) as a symbol of worth.

It's not that the saying "money doesn't grow on trees" is entirely wrong or misguided. iIt's that it ignores a crucial component of rich living - which is the cultivation of what is real and the connection between money and the natural cycles and laws of life.  It seems to say "human go make money in the world!" as opposed to "we all live here and the inhale and the exhale constitute life and the exhale and the inhale constitute trees and the universal field is governed by laws. As above so below."  Money is a part of everything - as natural as trees, created by natural humans.  It obeys the same laws as everything else in the universe.

We may not literally be able to go out to an orchid and pick money but it is available - it's right there.

And over time as we ground in our own life as our supply and our security and as we open our heart to the frequency in which it is authentic for us to give, money flows more and more easily.

This is the great reframe.  To let go of all the "money isn't for me" stories, to let go of all the ways in which you believe you are different and thus not destined to be wealthy.

Give your heart to the world in the unique form that you do knowing that the outcome of your giving is irrelevant to your worth and the world will respond.  Naturally.

Money grows all around us.  Let's cultivate it.

Listen to the podcast version for a fuller discussion of the systemic factors that influence our experience of money.

Alison Crosthwait