The mechanics of Aliveness

That zesty, juicy, aliveness feeling. The feeling of YES!

We all want it . How much are you allowing yourself to want the fullness of life?

Most of us leave our aliveness to chance. We think "that's not real life." Life is hard, we have responsibilities, etc.

Or we associate some external circumstance to feeling good. For example "when I find love" or "when my child has graduated" or "when my finances are figured out."

Aliveness has nothing to do with circumstance. Aliveness is an inner stance.

And the path to feeling it is surprisingly mechanical.

All aspects of us come into play - mind, mind, heart and soul. All need permission and flow.

I work with very specific tools and practices designed to help each aspect shift from stuck to alive.

With regular practice and accountability the shift in energy that is possible in even one month can be astonishing.

When we can access our present moment experience and allow it to flow we feel alive. All the time. Including in challenging circumstances.

What kills aliveness is trying not to feel something. Feelings include physical sensations, emotions, thoughts, and desires. Anything you can experience is your aliveness.

When we think we shouldn't have the experience we are having we cut off our aliveness.

When we allow ourselves to have the experience we can discover it isn't as bad as we thought and we open up and flow. It feels great.

There is always more aliveness available than we think. And intending to increase aliveness always shifts the areas we spend our time thinking way too much about how to change (like love, family, health, money...)

This is what I would like to shout from the rooftops.

We can have what we want. It's right here.

Once we experience that everything we used to focus on changes. We gain perspective and the pieces start to fall into place as we let life do its thing and welcome each moment of aliveness…


Alison Crosthwait