feeling alive is a practice


 It is good to meet you.

Alison Crosthwait transformation coach and journeying shamanism toronto canada

My life has been a series of transformations.  I used to fight this... I wanted my life to look like it was "supposed to".  I am learning to surrender to the beauty of it.... as a transformer I can create beauty.  And as a transformer I can help others transform.

I spent the first fifteen years of my adult life in capital markets.  I earned a Masters in Computational Finance from Carnegie Mellon University and am a Chartered Financial Analyst to this day. I worked for Goldman Sachs in quantitative trading and ended my capital markets career as Managing Director, Global Market Structure Research for Instinet LLC.  This time in my life was exciting, lucrative and disastrous.  I was driven and pushing for all the things that are supposed to make you successful - career, status, money. My health and confidence were weak and my connection to myself  negligible.  I sought therapy to address relationship problems and general unhappiness.

I became fascinated with the process of psychotherapy.  It was working - but how? We were ‘just’ talking!!!  My fascination led me back to school and eventually I left finance and became a full-time psychotherapist in Toronto.  Perhaps the most rewarding thing about being a therapist were those moments when you could let people know that they were in good company.  So many people suffer alone, not knowing that the questions they raise about themselves, and others are the questions humans have grappled with for thousands of years.  They think they should know the answers, be able to have everything figured out and looking like the movies all by themselves.  Life is messy and emotional and beautiful.  Welcome home.

Through my journey to have a child I encountered grief, hopelessness, despair and fury.  I became stuck in old wounds that resurfaced in response to the heartbreak of infertility and loss.  Why wasn’t life giving me the life I wanted??? This devastating period called me deeper into healing.  I met Ayahuasca and spent a year in ceremony.  She called forward my sexuality and my power.  She re-mothered me, healing primitive traumas.  She re-wired my mind - no more anxiety, no more spiralling.....  just a body that liked to sit in the morning sun.  

Ayahuasca called me deeper into spiritual practice and I began to experience our interconnectedness and a sense of purpose. Joy is my friend. Pleasure is alive. I now understand that my healing is my service.  My strength, presence and open-heartedness is what I do for the world.  Everything else I do is an outpouring of the quality of my presence.  And so I continue, every day, to commit to my growth first and foremost.  To my increased energy and enjoyment.

As I grew the label of psychotherapist no longer fit.  I don't treat suffering - I see suffering as a call forward into more life.  And while psychotherapy is a precious art I wanted a practice that reflected how I see transformation on a much deeper level.  

I see the feeling of scarcity and un-ease amongst those of us who have so much to be one of the fundamental cracks in our society that keeps us from repairing systemic injustices.

I have developed a process for healing that addresses all the touchpoints - physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.  Psychotherapy is often called "talk therapy".  This is a mischaracterization.  Bodies talk.  We can't talk without embodiment.  Recognizing the physical part of healing and addressing it directly through breathwork, emotional release and other more physically oriented modalities creates deeper faster change.  

As one Bay Street client said to me, "you make healing efficient, just like a former trader would."  

My process assesses your energy, gets to the point and gets it done.

The other part of my healing work is what I would call soul work.  I work with people who are listening to a deeper calling and want to birth a new part of themselves.  We listen, play, explore and listen some more to all the signs and dreams....the unconscious is a generous playmate.

I see my work as a guide and healer as art.  I create in response to and with each client.  Art is alive in every moment - there is nothing routine about working with human beings.  When we are creating something new we are gaining energy and coming alive.

As I have committed to creativity as a principle my personal creativity has blossomed.

If Marina Abramović & Marion Woodman had a child - that would be me.  

Fire. Intensity.  Body.  Dreams.  Transformation.  Breaking through conventions. More fire.  I am a multi-media conceptual artist.  I create videos, audios, teachings, soundscapes, music and articles around transformation.  Much of my work documents my personal process - ritual, emotional expression, embodying dream images.....  my work operates on a level beyond the conscious mind.  Viewers are in turn intrigued, moved, and discomforted...  I create based on the questions that are alive for me.  They often surround existence, connection, contradiction and magic.

This biography contains many words.  What I hope to convey is that following the heart opens up doors that cannot be imagined when we are living within the confines of expectations and requirements.  I could never have planned for this life and I can't possibly plan for the next half.  What I can do is commit in every moment to recognizing the sufficiency of life and allowing life to carry me heart first into the next adventure.

If what I say resonates I have so many ways to support you in living with more heart, vitality, freedom and wealth of all kinds.

Aliveness is a daily process of giving over, of not reaching for the “answer” but allowing the flow of life to teach you what is here for you in this moment.

You still make choices. Important choices. But your mind is not the boss. Instead, you draw equal wisdom from your body, heart, mind, and spirit.

Aliveness is messy and unrelenting and doesn’t necessarily look like what you want it to look like. It has nothing to do with idealized images. It blows past shame, cultural constraints, and grandiosity. It is about living and loving the fullest expression of yourself, leaving nothing out. And in doing so, you find yourself on the pathway toward what your soul aches for.

What would aliveness look like in your life?


My offerings integrate deep experiences with various parts of myself. I spend hours every week healing and more deeply inhabiting my own body, mind, heart, and spirit and have done so for more than 20 years. Over and over again I face my fears and transform and I’m beyond thrilled to hold space and wisdom for you to do the same.


words that excite me

Transformation. Serious. Possibility. Miracle. Careful Thinking. Feminine. Spiritual. Bold. Brave. Raw.