"I feel seen and validated"

We started the call with a check in - here were the words:



A lot happening.


We ended the call with a check in - here are the words:

Seen and validated.




My stress is gone.

What happened? We didn't solve anything. We didn't do any magic.

What we did is this. Four bodies present and listening to each other. Things were expressed that were vulnerable: The difficulty of being alone with ourselves. The relationship we are developing with the spirits that are guiding us. The pressure we feel to be liked.

And as we speak these truths - things we rarely put words to with ourselves let alone others - the group receives us. There is nodding. Resonating. And what is tension inside becomes flow. We are not alone.

The physical experience of expressing and being heard changes us.

What is it that you are experiencing but not saying?

What is it that you believe is only yours?

What do you believe no one else will understand?

Or worse will judge and shame you for?

The energetic release that comes from healing that inner tension changes everything.

What can you say today that releases your inner shame and fear? Who is ready to receive your words?


This is what we are here to do in Expand. I invite you to join us. Expand is a three month alchemical program to transform your current experience into a new chapter in your life.

In Expand you will engage in deep mental, emotional and somatic work in a structured process so that you can fully step into your life in every way you desire. You will also have the opportunity to experience one full microdosing cycle combined with the inner work if you choose. Medicine work is optional and enrolment is always open.

Expand includes three weekly calls (two recorded so you have the option to attend when it is best for your rhythm and schedule, one live), ongoing community and a structured curriculum delivered via an app that walks you through your inner journey. Read more and apply here. The application is to ensure Expand is a right fit for you right now - upon receiving your application I contact you to set up a call to answer your questions.

Alison Crosthwait